Benefits of All-On-4 Dental Implants Charleston, WV
In some cases with edentulous patients (patients lacking most or all of their teeth), it’s more difficult than usual to carry out an implant-supported prosthesis treatment without more complex and, therefore, often expensive approaches. All-On-4 treatment, which means “all” of your teeth are held in place “on four” dental implants, is a preferred alternative in such scenarios.
This surgery is a common procedure for full-arc treatment utilizing tilted implants, providing a reliable means of fully rehabilitating those living with teeth that are severely worn, damaged, diseased, decayed, or otherwise beyond repair. The All-On-4® Treatment Concept was developed in 1998 when Dr. Paulo performed the first successful treatment by combining straight and multi-unit abutments. Over time, this tactic has been improved and modernized to help hundreds of thousands of patients.
If you or a loved one are considering All-On-4 treatment and have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please call Revive Dental and Implant Center to speak with us at (304) 467-4265.
What Are All-On-4 Implants?
An implant is what we call a small (usually titanium) screw, which is inserted into the patient’s jawbone in the space left from a missing tooth. Once in position, a false tooth or dental crown is applied on top of this screw. An All-on-4 implant essentially takes the same principle, using four implants together.
How Are All-On-4 Implants Inserted?
Instead of replacing every missing tooth with an individual implant, we take a less complicated route by placing two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw as your teeth’s primary anchors. Dr. Chad Boustany will then connect a denture in the same spots, linking them together in a supportive structure.
Characteristics of All-On-4 Treatment
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Full-arch rehabilitation - Four implants (two straight anterior, two titled up to 45 degrees further) in the back of your mouth.
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Fixed provisional bridge - Quick restoration of oral functions, provided the patient satisfies the criteria necessary for immediate implant application.
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Bone grafting is not required for All-On-4, as the surgery is done by tilting the implants into the back of the mouth with available bone. |
What Are the Benefits of All-On-4 Treatment?
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Instantly noticeable improvement to quality of life.
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A fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of treatment leads to a fast restoration of the patient’s dental functions, looks, awareness, speech, and self-esteem.
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Treatment time is significantly decreased.
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This procedure has a consistent success rate.
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The implants are positioned to make them easier to clean while brushing or flossing.
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A final restoration can be fixed, improved, or removed if necessary.
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Angled posterior implants do not interfere with the surrounding anatomical structures in a patient’s mouth or face. This lets us anchor longer implants into the greater quality jawbone.
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As said, tilting posterior implants eliminates any need for time-consuming bone grafts.
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The All-On-4 surgery lowers your posterior cantilever (tooth bridge).
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Treatment is more affordable due to the lower amount of implants and no need for bone grafting. |
Remember, if you or a loved one are considering All-On-4 treatment and want to discuss your options, call (304) 467-4265 or click to schedule an appointment now! |