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Chad M. Boustany D.D.S., M.S.

Benefits of All-On-4
Dental Implants Charleston, WV

Older couple from Charleston, West Virginia smiling after all- on-4 implant work from Revive Dental and Implant Center.In some cases with edentulous patients (patients lacking most or all of their teeth), it’s more difficult than usual to carry out an implant-supported prosthesis treatment without more complex and, therefore, often expensive approaches. All-On-4 treatment, which means “all” of your teeth are held in place “on four” dental implants, is a preferred alternative in such scenarios.

This surgery is a common procedure for full-arc treatment utilizing tilted implants, providing a reliable means of fully rehabilitating those living with teeth that are severely worn, damaged, diseased, decayed, or otherwise beyond repair. The All-On-4® Treatment Concept was developed in 1998 when Dr. Paulo performed the first successful treatment by combining straight and multi-unit abutments. Over time, this tactic has been improved and modernized to help hundreds of thousands of patients.

If you or a loved one are considering All-On-4 treatment and have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment, please call Revive Dental and Implant Center to speak with us at (304) 467-4265.

What Are All-On-4 Implants?

An implant is what we call a small (usually titanium) screw, which is inserted into the patient’s jawbone in the space left from a missing tooth. Once in position, a false tooth or dental crown is applied on top of this screw. An All-on-4 implant essentially takes the same principle, using four implants together.

How Are All-On-4 Implants Inserted?

Instead of replacing every missing tooth with an individual implant, we take a less complicated route by placing two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw as your teeth’s primary anchors. Dr. Chad Boustany will then connect a denture in the same spots, linking them together in a supportive structure.

Characteristics of All-On-4 Treatment

•  Full-arch rehabilitation - Four implants (two straight anterior, two titled up to 45 degrees further) in the back of your mouth.
•  Fixed provisional bridge - Quick restoration of oral functions, provided the patient satisfies the criteria necessary for immediate implant application.
•  Bone grafting is not required for All-On-4, as the surgery is done by tilting the implants into the back of the mouth with available bone.

What Are the Benefits of All-On-4 Treatment?

•  Instantly noticeable improvement to quality of life.
•  A fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of treatment leads to a fast restoration of the patient’s dental functions, looks, awareness, speech, and self-esteem.
•  Treatment time is significantly decreased.
•  This procedure has a consistent success rate.
•  The implants are positioned to make them easier to clean while brushing or flossing.
•  A final restoration can be fixed, improved, or removed if necessary.
•  Angled posterior implants do not interfere with the surrounding anatomical structures in a patient’s mouth or face. This lets us anchor longer implants into the greater quality jawbone.
•  As said, tilting posterior implants eliminates any need for time-consuming bone grafts.
•  The All-On-4 surgery lowers your posterior cantilever (tooth bridge).
•  Treatment is more affordable due to the lower amount of implants and no need for bone grafting.

Remember, if you or a loved one are considering All-On-4 treatment and want to discuss your options, call (304) 467-4265 or click to schedule an appointment now!
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Office hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am to 5pm
Friday: Closed


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Benefits of All-On-4 Dental Implants • Dental Implants Charleston, WV
If you or a loved one are considering All-On-4 treatment and have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment, feel free to give us a call today!
Revive Dental and Implant Center, 4803 MacCorkle Avenue Southeast, Charleston, wv 25304 \ (304) 467-4265 \ \ 9/9/2024 \ Page Keywords: dental implants Charleston WV \